Tech & SaaS Marketing

getting things done

Effective Tech & SaaS Marketing

Is your marketing delivering what the sales team needs?

It takes time for buyers to...

  • understand your product & your company
  • understand the pain points you solve
  • see those pain points inside their business
  • get their colleagues on board
  • convert and buy
Marketing lead generation graphic image.

Do you have this?

Detailed marketing plans tied to revenue

Is your company consistently delivering conversion-based marketing often and on time?

B2B buyers want to get 70% of their information about your solution from the web before they’ll ever agree to a sales call.

Websites, SEO, social media, videos, paid search, media channels, enticing content and more. It’s a complex mix that must deliver a good story.

How about this?

Data driven marketing

Lead generation. Customer acquisition. Cross-sell programs.

To be successful your marketers must live and breathe traffic, leads, funnel management, drip marketing, SEO, SEM, LTV and CAC. All of these are data driven today.

Measure success with pipeline, revenue and LTV/CAC goals.

Chief Marketing Officer thinking about market strategy.
Two men working on technical marketing.

Who are you targeting?

Market Segmentation = Growth!

The more you can tailor your messaging to specific groups of prospects the more you’ll sell.

Tech and SaaS purchasers can be grouped into many different buckets.

  • Big company, small company
  • Current solution or no solution
  • IT systems
  • Organizational structure
  • Market reach

The list is long. Which segments are your best targets?

B2B chief marketing officer interview

Do this first

Product/market fit

If your solution answers a question nobody is asking, it doesn’t matter how much you invest in sales and marketing.

Smart companies invest time and effort up front to understand product/market fit, before they invest in product development.

Product/market fit helps you understand potential demand for your solution and what you’ll face from competitors.

It’s a step-by-step process

The conversion journey

As consumers we are exposed to well-thought-out conversions all the time. But what about tech and SaaS buyers? They’ll hardly respond to “limited offer…buy now!”.

You can move a prospect well into the funnel with conversions that help them understand more about their problem and how to solve it.

Popular papers and how-to’s

Steve Jobs dressed in suit holding a red apple.

How Apple Competes…And Wins

How can you learn to create a strong competitive strategy? There are many lessons to take from how Steve Jobs did it at Apple. Read this deep dive into Apple’s wildly successful transformation from shambles to today’s $2.7 trillion market cap.

Market opportunity analysis guerrilla style.

Product Market Fit: Will The Dogs Like The Dog Food?

Market opportunity analysis using guerrilla market research can get you to a low-cost decision quickly on a new market idea.

Word map related to competitive intelligence.

Competitive Intelligence in Tech and SaaS

Competitive intelligence...ready for the truth? competition's getting tougher in 2023 alternatives...

SaaS/Tech Marketing & Prospecting News

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