Mike Harris on BRX Business Radio
Nashville Tech Scene vs. Silicon Valley
Nashville, TN, is growing its tech scene fast, but Nashville tech companies still have a ways to go. Mike Harris compares on BRX Business Radio.
In this podcast interview, I offer perspective as a tech and SaaS Chief Marketing Officer who lived and worked in California for many years.
All of my work is with tech companies, then and now. And I’m always happy to work with Nashville tech companies.
I love living in Nashville and I am excited to see how much the tech scene is growing and improving.
This may be a good listen for Nashville’s tech community and regional development executives.
Bits, bytes and biscuits!
Why is Mike Harris on BRX Business Radio?
BRX hosts business podcasts in cities across the USA. They reached out to me after hearing another podcast I had done about SaaS Marketing Mastery.

Nashville Tech Companies
Nashville’s historic prosperity includes healthcare, banking and commercial real estate.
Today, Nashville tech companies are paving the way for a whole new generation of prosperity including jobs, talent and strong investments.
In this podcast, I talk about how Nashville has many of the ingredients necessary to grow its tech community but they need to add cohesiveness.