Driving on a freeway in Nashville…
I was startled to see one of the best advertisements I’ve seen in 2023.
On a moving truck.

Turns out the truck is from a Nashville franchise of Black Tie Moving Company. The guy is Chuck Wicks, country music singer and owner of the franchise.
For me, the startling thing about this ad is that it’s for a moving company. And it’s a pic of a real live principal of the company.
I don’t know about you, but I seldom see cool advertising on the freeway. And I sure never see anything cool and memorable from a moving company.
So I did a deeper dive on Black Tie’s marketing to see what it could teach. Here’s what I found:
1. Positioning. This is the first time I’ve ever seen a moving company advertise a differentiated experience that potential customers can place on their ladder of experiences and preferences.
2. Positioning statement: “First Class Moving Experience”. With four simple words they created an intriguing reflection on the brand.
3. Credibility. They make liberal use of the Inc. 500 and Forbes brands. And they should. They are all over their website, social media, advertising, moving trucks, et. al.

4. More credibility. A quick look at their reviews quickly turned up one that’s very positive, memorable and helps polish the company’s community service image:

5. Even more credibility. In addition, Black Tie is the fastest growing privately held moving company in the U.S., with a 3-year growth rate of 1180%. [according to their LinkedIn profile]
Why focus on credibility?
It’s all about the competition. According to the BBB, more than 10% of moving companies have an F rating. Which means even more have a D or C rating. To compare, all companies in all industries have an average 2.7% of F ratings. Read the report here.
I don’t know about you, but I’d at least like to have a B-rated company handle my move. All things factored, I’d be happy to pay extra for an A-rated company.
Well synched marketing…
Kudos to Black Tie’s marketing team for synching so many elements well.
Positioning, brand, advertising, social media, executive profiling and more.
And it’s not just executive profiling either. It’s rank-and-file profiling, which says that whoever’s in charge cares about their employees.

In summary, here is what Black Tie’s marketing team has created:
- a GPS that maps prospective customers to Black Tie’s ‘why us, why now’
- a memorable narrative that causes something to happen in the minds of their audience
- a hook by which an audience will place Black Tie on their ladder of experiences and preferences
- a trusty loom that has transformed mere threads into a colorful tapestry that prompts people to think ‘tell me more’.
Props to the entire Black Tie Moving Company team.
I can do this…
I offer multiple solutions for executive and company profiling.
Would love it if you checked them out!